Empowering Stories and Career Transition

Be Journey Inspired 

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Welcome to
Journey Inspired 

Empowering Stories & Career Transition

My desire for you is to embrace your journey and the next chapter in your career story.  Allow your authentic self, your life experiences, personal and spiritual growth to become your foundation as you navigate your career transition work toward achieving your personal and professional. I promise it will be easier and it will be worth the work!

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Your story for the career transition strategy

Perhaps you never considered your career IS part of your story. You'll reflect and draw upon your experiences when you write your resume and cover letter, and when you prepare for your interview or network. Studying yourself makes it easier as you navigate the process of getting the job and move into the career path you truly want.

Are you ready?

As your Career Coach, together here's where we'll start:

1.  Determine your personal and career goals.
2. Self Assess your personal readiness.
3. Create a strategy around your self-care and spiritual growth.
4. Review and update your resume and cover letter.
5. Strengthen your interview skills.

It's just the beginning! The right opportunity is out there for you because there's so much the world has to offer. YOU know who you are and who best to lead your life? Are you ready?

- Lisa Marii

Start Here
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Business Hours

Monday - Saturday

Appointments only





Since working with Lisa, I have experienced significant positive changes in my professional life, including increased confidence, a stronger network, and the courage to pursue my dream job. I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone looking to reignite their career or explore new opportunities.


I recently worked with Lisa, and it was an incredibly valuable experience. She was knowledgeable and supportive and provided practical advice that helped me identify my resume’s strengths and weaknesses. Lisa took the time to understand my unique situation and was able to provide personalized guidance and feedback that was tailored to my needs.